Who decides what to spend the additional up to £10,000 on?
Insurers will work with their customers to make the decision appropriate to their properties, this might include carrying out a site survey. It is important the extra funds are spent only on resilience and resistance measures and/or survey costs.
What is included in terms of PFR installations?
This will be decided between the Insurer and their customers. It is important to note that each home will have different needs. This could include flood doors, self-closing air bricks, wall treatments, raising of electrical sockets, sumps and pumps, flood barriers, flood gates and non-return valves.
Are businesses covered by BBB?
No – only properties covered by the Flood Re Scheme are eligible for Flood Re BBB scheme. Some insurers may decide to provide additional flood resilience funding for policies outside the Flood Re scheme.
Are leasehold properties covered by BBB?
Only properties covered by the Flood Re Scheme are eligible for Flood Re BBB scheme. Some insurers may decide to provide additional flood resilience funding for policies outside the Flood Re scheme.
I’ve been told BBB isn’t available in my area – is this correct?
No – BBB is available all over the UK through participating Insurers.