My home is ‘mixed use’, could it qualify for Flood Re?
Yes, as long as it doesn’t attract business rates.
Could my sheds or outbuildings be covered by Flood Re?
Yes. Outbuildings that are ‘enjoyed with’ the main residence can be covered by Flood Re as long as that main residence qualifies. The buildings must not be in a separate council tax band or attract business rates. Also, outbuildings may be covered if they were built after 2009.
How long do I have to live in the property for it to qualify?
To qualify for Flood Re, the householder or the householder’s immediate family must live in the property for at least some of the time during the policy period.
I’m building an extension, will that qualify?
As long as the original building qualifies, the extension should qualify too.
Construction of my property started before 2009 but it was finished later, will it qualify?
No. Flood Re can only help if construction was completed before January 2009.
My property was built in 2008 but given a Council Tax band in 2009, can Flood Re help me?
We know that some buildings were completed in 2008 but not given banding until 2009. If there’s evidence the property was used as a residence before January 2009 then it may qualify. A utility bill may help to prove this.