My home isn’t at risk – why am I paying for Flood Re?
Every insurer offering home insurance in the UK must pay into the Flood Re Scheme.
It is possible that an insurer will choose to spread the costs of the Levy across policies that don’t include cover for high flood risks.
How do I make a claim through Flood Re?
Claims go through insurers, not through us. Flood Re works behind the scenes. If you want to make a claim, please contact your insurer.
Is Flood Re bringing the price of insurance down for those at risk of floods?
Yes. For homes at high risk of flooding, insurance policies have generally become more available and affordable. But we don’t have any influence over the total price of an insurance policy.
Insurers have an option to pass the flood risk part of a policy over to Flood Re. They still set the prices they choose for the policies they sell.
Will Flood Re last forever?
Flood Re is a temporary scheme, it’s designed to be in place for 25 years.
By 2039, insurers should be handling flood risks a different way. It’s known as ‘risk reflective pricing’. Cover should then be based on the actual flood risk faced by each property.
Wouldn’t it be better to prevent flooding?
Part of our work involves helping people to find out more about flood risks. We direct people to useful information about preventing damage and being prepared.
The Government is working closely with insurers, local authorities, and communities to help them better prepare for flooding. This involves changes to planning, improvements to drainage, and better managing flood risks to minimise their impact.
How does Flood Re work?
Every insurer that offers home insurance in the UK must pay into the Flood Re Scheme. This Levy raises £135m every year, which we use to cover the flood risks in home insurance policies.
Flood Re works with insurers behind the scenes. When you buy home insurance cover, your insurer can choose to pass on the flood risk element of your policy to us for a fixed price.
If you make a valid claim for flooding, then your insurer will pay the claim. Later on, we’ll reimburse that insurer from the Flood Re fund.
In short, you buy home insurance in the usual way. We handle the flood risk, and that helps to keep your premiums down.