• Get involved

    Flood Re offers significant advantages to industry participants by allowing them to provide more affordable quotes to their customers.  In order to be part of the Scheme, you need to start the on-boarding process shown below.


We believe that by signing-up to Flood Re, you’ll have more scope to be competitive. For more information on how to sign-up and to book an onboarding meeting, email support@floodre.co.uk

Guide for participants

  1. Supporting you from the start

    We’ll work with you to get set up quickly. When we’ve received your form by post, we’ll send out a detailed guide that will help your teams to understand how Flood Re works.

  2. Testing your systems

    Your systems will need to integrate with ours to make sure it’s a smooth operation. Testing doesn’t take long. We adjust the process depending on your consumer proposition, and how you intend to exchange data with us. Our service team will help you to get this set up.

  3. Accrediting your business

    We’ll give you formal accreditation when the testing is satisfactorily completed. Then you may start underwriting risks supported by Flood Re.

  4. Becoming a Flood Re member

    We don’t insist on membership for ceding risks. But as a corporate member of Flood Re, your business will have voting rights and opportunities to treat Levy 2 contributions as a capital contribution rather than a levy.

  5. Flood Re Scheme Documents

    The final Scheme documents and Regulation for Flood Re can be found here:

  6. Guide for Brokers

    Guide to Flood Re for Brokers – This document describes how brokers can start participating in the Flood Re Scheme and begin providing benefits to customers

  7. Bordereau Management System Reference Materials

    You can find a step-by-step guide for logging into the Bordereau Management System here.


    The new Flood Re Portal allows different types of participants including insurers and MGAs to submit and / or validate bordereaux data for ultimate provision to Flood Re. This guide provides information on how these activities are carried out in the Flood Re Portal for successful validation and submission of bordereau files.


    Participant Bordereau Validation and Submission Guide


    Bordereau Web Portal – System Enhancement Release Notes


    Claims and Underwriting Exception Glossaries

    The Underwriting Glossary and the Claims Glossary provides the following for participants:

    • A listing of all of the Error messages reported in the  Exception Reports;
    • The root-causes of the Error Messages reported in the  Exception Reports;
    • The Lookup tables used for validation of specific data items that are submitted in the Bordereau reports.


    System video tutorials




  8. Property Data Hub

    Flood Re’s Property Data Hub is supported by Addresscloud and you’ll find it on this link.


    PDH video tutorials


  9. Build Back Better




    Lunch and learn

    last year we hosted a number of BBB and PFR education sessions, both in person and online. We have now refreshed the content and information which includes insights from recent flooding events. Sign up using the buttons below and keep an eye on this page and our social media channels to hear when new dates are added.


    Please note these sessions contain the same content and it is not necessary to attend more than once.

    20 February 2025

    20 March 2025

    17 April 2025


    At the end of the session, you will be able to:

    • Explain how Flood Re fits into the home insurance market and describe the fundamental principles of Build Back Better.
    • Identify various types of property flood resilience products (PFR), explain what measures are in place to ensure PFR is fitted correctly and how adapting outdoor space can be equally effective as altering one’s home.
    • Understand the emotional impact flooding may have on its victims and why it’s important to engage with customers before a flood event occurs so they might best be prepared.


    This lunch and learn can be included as part of your CII CPD requirement (up to 1 CPD hour) should you consider it relevant to your professional development needs.

    BBB FAQs

Exceptions Process

Our Property Data Hub uses data from the Valuation Office Agency (VOA). We have an exceptions process that helps us to manage any anomalies.

This document explains what we ask for if an exception occurs, and what the process is for getting an authorisation that will cede an exception property.

  1. What is an exception?

    To date, we’ve identified two types of exceptions:

    • the address isn’t found at all within the database, or,
    • the address matches, but some of its details are different.
  2. What should I do if I identify an exception?

    All exceptions should be logged in the first instance via an e-mail to: support@floodre.co.uk . We need full details as follows:

    • the address itself;
    • the error that’s been identified; or,
    • if parts of the address are incorrect, a clarification on what they should be.

    We know how important address matching is for insurers – particularly when it comes to quotes and working out premiums promptly. We’ll always do our best to expedite queries quickly if we can, and our aim is to resolve all exceptions within four working days.

    If needs be, we’ll ask you for more details. For example, if an address can’t be matched or found, or there’s an error in the data, then we may ask for documentary evidence such as:

    • a Council tax bill prior to 2009;
    • Zoopla or another web search evidencing sale pre-2009;
    • Land Registry Title Deeds; or,
    • other formal documentation that evidences the year of build and/or residential status.

    If you give us evidence to support an exception, let you know what our formal decision is and notify you in writing.

  3. How do I cede an exception?

    All exceptions can be ceded as per the normal process and included on the bordereau. We’ll make sure that approved exceptions are included in a separate area of the database and that the business rules are overridden where it’s appropriate.

    Flood Re cannot amend the third-party VOA database itself. However, we will raise all data concerns directly with the VOA, and it’s the VOA’s decision as to when or if they’ll correct the source data.

    We’ll also undertake regular reviews of exceptions against the quarterly data updates we receive from the VOA. Over time data, we would hope to see the quality of that data improve.

  4. Further information

    If you require further information on the exception process, please contact the Operational Service Desk using at: support@floodre.co.uk  or call +44 330 912 7700.

Any questions?

If there’s anything we can help you with, please contact us on:

Tel: +44 330 912 7700
Email: support@floodre.co.uk
